David McQueen David McQueen

Leveraging Employee Resource Groups

All ERGs should be linked to a common purpose or goal for the organisation. There should also be transparency around funding measures, programmes and outreach. I have seen organisations lose so much impetus because a large chunk of funding just goes to say gender, and then LGBT+ and ethnic groups fighting for the remainder, irrespective of some of the less vocal groups such as parenting, ability, etc.

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David McQueen David McQueen

Unpacking Bias

Rather than labelling biases as something we should immediately fix so that organisations can avoid litigation or appeasing compliance, I suggest that we should first understand the role they play in human development and existence and explore why as humans we default to them.

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David McQueen David McQueen

Building a Diverse Board

A diverse board is going to be perfect but it can, with the right guidance, provide a benchmark for the excellence so many organisations crave.

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David McQueen David McQueen

Culture Shift: Surviving COVID

Leaders are now looking at what makes up their organisational culture through a whole new lens.
Beyond wellbeing sessions and special annual leave allowances, what are leaders doing to preserve/positively shift their organisational culture?

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Culture David McQueen Culture David McQueen

Corporate alphabet soup: DEI is not HR

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is now a major focal point for UK-based organisations. In the last five years, the UK has witnessed a 58% increase in available diversity and inclusion (D&I) roles. That figure alone by no means signifies tangible change. But what it does signify is a drastic change in the way organisations are thinking. Not only in terms of how they hire and retain staff, but also the way they communicate externally (marketing), engage organisations in their supply chain and so many other touchpoints for companies to consider.

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David McQueen David McQueen


After a year of change and challenges, what can we learn from the past that will help us to plan for the future while remaining very present.

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David McQueen David McQueen

Success, significance and succession

Whether you are actively pursuing leadership, purposely put on a leadership development journey or have landed into a role by just good fortune of knowing the right people, a good moment of reflection would be, what does this journey look like for me and those who I intend to serve? I would like to suggest to look at your leadership journey through the lenses of success, significance and succession.

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