Today, leaders across the globe are having to face up to very difficult conversations. The way we work has changed. The pandemic has seen to this. And as we start a new year in 2022, we recognise that this virus has disrupted the way we live and will do so for the foreseeable future.
A number of commentators in science, history and anthropology have demonstrated that this virus will continue to evolve, mutate, test our knowledge of science and our healthcare systems for a long while to come.
On the one hand, some leaders will live in denial. They will believe this is just a hoax and we should continue to do business as usual. On the other hand, there will be leaders having to think about how they review a more agile/hybrid approach to work as the world adjusts to living with the virus.
Some leaders in industries that are are not as front-facing such as healthcare, education and construction, will want their staff to return to what it was like pre-pandemic. What I have found working with a number of leaders is that many staff don’t want to be forced into having to return to the office or wear masks or being vaccinated. And in many sectors, these restrictions have also meant serious shortages of staff.
It is easy to look at say the next two years (or more) of our lives with despair. Worrying that we will never be able to live life how we used to. Flows and ebbs of new infections, vaccination mandates, wearing masks, travel restrictions, lockdowns will continue to be a part of the way we live around the world. We can’t get away from that. However, there is always hope.
As humans, we have always bounced back from wars, plagues and events that disrupt our way of living, and deep in the heart of this narrative of resilience are leaders who hope. Who recognise that while the present may be a struggle there is mileage in collectively looking forward to better days and times.
I well imagine a big part of my work in leadership this year will be encouraging leaders to remain positive and build cultures with that sense of hope right bang in the middle.
Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash